Engage with additional resources and recommended readings to delve deeper into Dr. McReynolds' insights in her groundbreaking new book Solving the ADHD Riddle - #1 in 8 categories on Amazon and other areas of expertise.

Join me on the August 2024 Edition of Exceptional Parent Magazine for my cover story on "Effective Approaches for Children with ADHD".
Find the article here: Effective Approaches for Children with ADHD
In the journey to understand and support children with ADHD, it is crucial to recognize that their experiences are far from uniform. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) significantly shapes how children interact with the world around them, influencing their behavior, learning and the way they process information...Read more

Join me on Intelligent Health.Tech Issue 20 for my article on ADHD and Neurofeedback's EEG technology.
Find the article here: "Dr. McReynolds on Intelligent Health.Tech Issue 20"
How can technology be leveraged to facilitate the rise in requests for adult ADD/ADHD diagnoses and to assist individuals in managing life afterwards?... Read more

Join me on Successful Black Parenting for my article, "Changing Lives: Overcoming ADHD With Neurofeedback Brain Training".
Find the article here: "Changing Lives: Overcoming ADHD With Neurofeedback Brain Training"
Parents, teachers, and caregivers often face challenges when trying to help children with ADHD and similar behavior issues. Many see ADHD as a condition that lasts a lifetime, and some parents hesitate to get their child diagnosed because they worry about stigma. They might also wonder if the child’s actions are on purpose or if the child is just not trying hard enough to complete tasks. Usually, these assumptions are not correct for kids with ADHD... Read More

Join me on Inspirations for Better Living (April Edition) for my article, "Awakening Potential: A Story of Resilience, Discovery, and Innovation".
Find the article here: "Awakening Potential: A Story of Resilience, Discovery, and Innovation"
Plus, thanks to the generosity of Johnny Tan and team, I'm thrilled to offer you a FREE Spring 2024 coupon code for a 1 year subscription to the online version of Inspirations for Better Living. Simply use the Special Free SPRING 2024 Gift eCoupon code, 4Q9AK6UCWXUZ , at checkout at inspirationsforbetterliving.com to claim your free subscription.