In May 2014, I took my three adopted daughters (ages 7, 8 and 9 years old) for testing at the Neurofeedback Center. I have had the girls since they were born, all tested positive for methamphetamine’s, marijuana and received no prenatal care. The older two had normal development and did very well in school; however, the third one has had multiple problems.My youngest daughter was late in developing speech (in speech therapy since 3 years old), she had a difficult time cutting with scissors and writing (although she held a pencil correctly). She did not do well in kindergarten. At the end of first grade, I heard about Dr. McReynolds’ neurofeedback clinic. I read everything I could about neurofeedback so that I could make an educated decision regarding my girls.
I had the three girls assessed. The older two had minimal needs and received services for a few months. My youngest daughter’s test result showed that she was in need of much more help. The team explained to me what her assessment report meant. Her visual processing was practically nonexistent. Dr. McReynolds and the clinician explained that my daughter would probably need longer treatment than the others.
My youngest daughter began her treatment. She did not show much growth in the first few months. Week after week the commitment from the clinicians was always positive and encouraging. Every twenty sessions she was reassessed. When she wasn’t making progress the clinician and Dr. McReynolds worked with different areas of her brain. Finally, my youngest daughter started making some growth. In May of 2015, after a year of neurofeedback my youngest daughter had made tremendous growth, especially in visual processing.
Last week I returned to the center and requested a re-evaluation of my youngest daughter with concerns due to her lack of focus in school. Her assessment was incredible. In the year since her last assessment she has maintained her successful scores. Her visual processing scores are amazing. There was one area found that they will be working on to help her to be able to focus better in school. When we met after she was tested, Dr. McReynolds gave me suggestions to request from the school that will help her be more successful. As always, she gave me support and encouragement that once again left me hopeful for my youngest daugther’s success.As a parent, I cannot say enough wonderful things about the staff and work of the Neurofeedback team. I have recommended neurofeedback to many of my colleagues and friends who have children with special needs and/or other concerns. Dr. McReynolds and all of the clinicians at the center have encouraged, supported and helped my youngest daughter with her brain development.
To them I am grateful. Thank you! D.F.
Dear Dr. McReynolds,
This is a long due email from my part. My son was part of your neurofeedback program over a year ago. There are not enough words to thank you and your team for all the help you provided him. He was diagnosed with ADD last year and the only treatment that his pediatrician offered was ADD medicine. We contacted you in hope to find another alternative.
He received over 20 Neurofeedback sessions and those were the life-changing moment for him and for our family. His change was really amazing. He is now able to focus at school. He is more productive than ever, being able to complete more complex projects. His teacher was surprised with the huge progress he had last academic year.
I am a strong supporter of Neurofeedback now.
Thanks so much for providing such wonderful service to our community.
Before and after neurofeedback:
A teen-aged boy was being considered for ADHD medication and special classes; now he’s mainstreamed in school without medical intervention.
A teen-aged girl had been on medication for ADD and was having difficulty concentrating at school; now she no longer needs her medication and is able to attend to classroom activities.‘Jesse’ said he has noticed at school he can concentrate on the board better, even when he doesn’t want to. After just 5 sessions of neurofeedback, he says ‘it is working.’
‘Sydney’ reported that when she is in her classroom, she is able to stay more focused. She feels that when kids are talking around her, she is able to determine they are a distraction. As she was doing the BrainTrain and taking her ADD medication, she began to feel as if she was on ‘speed.’ She has since stopped her medication for ADD and feels less hyperactive as a result.These are just a handful of clients who have benefitted and improved their lives through the use of neurofeedback technology.
Elementary Teacher in the Inland Empire:
Thomas (age 8) had always been sweet and kind but he would often drift away in the middle of his work. He was so easily distracted. He had difficulty moving from task to task. He had very low work product and low energy. I felt at times that maybe he would just plateau in his progress and that would be it.
Then he started neurofeedback and everything changed. We would get to the end of the work morning and he proudly had completed all of his work. I was in shock!
I began watching him more closely in class and sure enough he was focusing. Then he started to gain momentum. He was able to take on larger projects and more involved work. At the end, he was confident and a leader in our class. I was amazed.
Nicole, Thomas’ Elementary Teacher in the Inland Empire
Reading Teacher Testimonial
While I was recovering from surgery, the parent of one of my reading students enrolled her son in Neurofeedback center. When I returned to work and engaged again in teaching her son to read, it was very obvious to me that something significant had occurred in his ability to learn. His ability to remember things was the first change I noticed; then his ability to absorb what I taught him clearly had improved. He had obviously enjoyed the Neurofeedback.
Before his Neurofeedback, I was VERY concerned that learning to read may take him well into his teenage years because he progressed so slowly. After Neurofeedback, he was able to progress at a level similar to other children. Later, this same mom enrolled her older son in the program because she, too, could see the positive impact on her younger son.
I was so amazed and curious that I enrolled myself. I saw my own improvements and was able to pass the information on to additional parents. In each case where a parent enrolled their child in the program at Center, significant changes occurred that allowed the student to learn with greater ease and efficiency. Neurofeedback is a game changer for children who struggle to learn.
P.S. My job at that time was to teach students to read. These students were the ones who did not learn to read in the school setting and had learning disabilities that made it especially difficult for them to master the skill of reading.
Sharon V. Retired Reading Teacher